• Image of Mandarin Ducks


Beautiful wooden Mandarin Ducks.

The Mandarin Ducks are essential for married couples. They are said to provide a loving environment, enhancing romance and relationship quality. However, not only is it for those in love; singles who make use of the Mandarin Ducks will benefit their love life too. Simply display this love charm in your Romance Corners (Feng Shui Bagua), or in the southwest corner, to enhance love and relationships luck. The Mandarin Duck is said to enhance the chance of him or her finding their mate for life, creating marriage opportunities that will be everlasting.

The Mandarin Ducks are monogamous and mate for life, and when they lose their partners, they feel great grief and would pine away. They would never acquire new partner for the rest of their lives. It is for this reason that the Mandarin Ducks are a long-known and wide-spread feng shui symbol of love and success of marriage, one that is filled with devotion, adoration, loyalty and everlasting romance.

Excellent wedding gifts or gift for friends who have been single for a long time.

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