• Image of White Umbrella Goddess Plaque
  • Image of White Umbrella Goddess Plaque


This beautiful shinning smooth plaque is White Umbrella Goddess Plaque for protection. White Umbrella Goddess is the goddess of the White Parasol who known as Sitatapatra. She uses her white parasol to dispel interferences and spirit harms, quell disasters and bring auspiciousness.

The White Umbrella Goddess wards off the impact of extreme weather that brings natural disasters. She also protects against misfortune brought by extreme winds, big fires, angry waters and shifting earth, as well as personal disasters.

Place in the west if your bedroom or office is located here or if you are born in the year of the rooster to protect against the 24 Mountains Natural Disaster Star.

The White Umbrella Goddess Plaque is made of wood. The dimension of it is approximately 18 x 23 cm.